
Thursday, December 22, 2022

It's Poetry Friday - A Light Celebration

   Poetry Friday is with Irene Latham HERE on her website, Live Your Poem. She's sharing all kinds of gifts for us this next to last Poetry Friday of 2022. Thanks for hosting, Irene!

    I took this picture Wednesday morning as the sun rose and I welcomed the sun. Now, this Thursday, after the shortest day , then longest night, the winter solstice, it is below zero and light has come, but the sun hides out. I don't blame it, do you?

       At the school where I taught, we tried hard to be inclusive of all the celebrations our students celebrated with their families, often occurring this time of year. We named it our "Celebrations of Light" where each class created a response to share. On one special day near the holiday break, all the students walked through each classroom, reading what was shared, looking at the art, learning of new ways that people throughout history, and during their lives today, celebrate light. Here is an old song that was our theme the final year I taught. Each of my students found various ways people celebrated, wrote prose or poem pieces, and built small homes where we placed lights in order to have the windows shining. I wish I had some of those pieces to share but I only have the song and one picture. Happy Solstice to you all. Wishing you a special celebration of light in your own homes here at the end of 2022 or whenever it occurs.

This time of the year is spent in good cheer, 

And neighbors together do meet 

To sit by the fire, with friendly desire, 

Each other in love to greet; 

Old grudges forgot are put in the pot, 

All sorrows aside they lay; 

The old and the young doth carol this song 

To drive the cold winter away. 

~Traditional Carol

          That final line seems quite apt this week, does it not? Keep cozy!


  1. What a beautiful picture of the sky, Linda! I love all the different kinds of light we celebrate in the world, especially at this time of year. Stay warm!

  2. I am feeling the love all the way over here on the east coast. What a wonderful celebration. What a community building learning activity. We need more of this!
    I sincerely hope you are able to stay warm, friend. The news reports are frightening.

  3. YOU are light, Linda. Thanks for all you give! Definitely thinking cozy thoughts for everyone this morning. Brrr. xo

  4. I’m loving 🥰 all here Linda, it’s emanating light, warmth, and joy in all directions! I really like the line about tossing out grudges, good idea, and that wonderful tower of light and writing, makes me smile ! 😊 Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, and keep warm, lovely solstice pic too, thanks!

  5. I love "old grudges forgot are put in the pot" -- Seems especially poignant advice at year-end! Thank you, Linda!

  6. What an inspiring story and picture, too. It must be sweet for you to read that poem and think about those children. Have a Merry Christmas, Linda.

  7. That last comment was from Janice. :)

  8. Wishing you love and light...and the return of some warmth!

  9. Linda, a celebration of light opens eyes to new possibilities on how to live together as a community. our school's celebration is a marvelous way to end the year. The photo shares how children can bring light into their lives. Stay warm and cozy during this week. Merry Christmas to you and your framily.

  10. This whole post made me smile! Your photo is gorgeous and that tower of light! After our recent sub-zero temps, I'm looking for anything that offers hope and light. You've got it! :)


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