
Thursday, April 13, 2023

April - Poetry Month - Day Fourteen - Narrative PLUS Poetry Friday


I am continuing with my Poetry Month challenges and Jone Rush MacCulloch is our host for Poetry Friday HERE with a big challenge for everyone this day, to share a poem in a "Classic Found Poetry Palooza". Be sure to check it out! Thanks, Jone, for hosting!  
         Remember to check out what's happening with the next Progressive Poem line today by Janice Scully. See the entire list on the right.

       Happy Poetry Month, where poems parade in the streets, run like rivers within our veins or settle in our hearts every.single,time. 
       I am using this older book pictured left that follows the alphabet with one kind of prompt each day. I used this book on occasion in the classroom years ago, but never worked through it day by day, with deliberation! Here goes!

      Today - N is for Narrative, a poem that offers some kind of story. I kind of cheated today because it is my older granddaughter, Ingrid's fourteenth birthday. A few years ago I wrote a book of what I called "goodbye" poems of different years for all my family. This is one I wrote about Ingrid, but imagined in her mother's (my daughter's) voice. 

For Ingrid’s Mama, Sarah


Toddling into two-

on your way to three,

I find I miss your

halting steps,

holding my hand

only to step

off the curb.


Now you begin

learning no and then why

and I do it-



of separation.


Your eyes prowl

for the next adventure,


Wow, you are growing,

your baby steps going

into a run-and-jump song.

If this could be slowed

I would linger a while

keeping your baby smile

only for me.


               Linda Baie ©

Happy Fourteenth Birthday, Ingrid!


  1. Happy birthday to Ingrid. What a sweet poem about her as a toddler. I love the line as she got more independent: "holding my hand / only to step / off the curb." I remember those days! I'll look forward to your progressive poem line on Sunday, Linda.

  2. Happy birthday, Ingrid!
    They grow so fast, and we say that all the time, but it’s one thing to know it and another to actually experience it. While it’s lovely to see them become different versions of themselves, it’s hard too!

  3. Sweet poem, Linda. I especially like "I do it" (I can hear the voice!) and "Your eyes prowl/for the next adventure." Happy birthday to Ingrid :)

  4. Ingrid cannot be 14! Happy birthday to this grand girl...please tell her I said hello! And I love your poem so much, Linda. Anyone who has loved a wee one and watched them grow can relate. xo

  5. Happy birthday Ingrid! Your poem is so sweet Linda... you captured these moments perfectly. Happy Poetry Friday!

  6. Linda, Ingrid is a teen now, no longer that happy, smiling toddler or pre-teen. Time moves on but your poem captures moments of warmth-memories she will cherish when she is and adult. If this could be slowed/I would linger a while..,"I am soaking in every moment of time I can with my little grandgirls. (I love that word that I borrowed from you.

  7. I love this! So sweet. Just today I was thinking of something my son used to say as a toddler.

  8. I weep and rejoice. So beautiful. So heartfelt. So universal. Love your poem and post Linda.

  9. Thank you everyone! I am going to the party tonight but will be sure to read everyone's post as I can! Happy Weekend!

  10. What a sweet and sentimental special poem for Ingrid. Oh, to be a granddaughter of yours...what lucky kids.

  11. Lovely poem Linda, capturing Ingrid from a wee toddler! And such a sweet ending with the want to linger and hold on to that smile. And she's becoming all grown up, it goes too fast–thanks for sharing her beautiful pics too!

  12. Love this poem and the accompanying picture. The premonition of "startling / pronouncements / of separation" applies to toddlers AND teens. Happy birthday to your granddaughter, Linda, she's one lucky girl. :)

  13. Happy birthday to Ingrid! That "baby smile" is a treasure we hold in our hearts forever.

  14. Thanks, Linda, Michelle, Bridget, & Catherine. The birthday celebration was a grand one!

  15. Happy Birthday to Ingrid (can't believe she's 14 already)! Love this sweet poem, as well as the idea that you wrote a book of goodbye poems for your family -- a priceless keepsake. :) P.S. LOVE the pic of her in her Pooh suit.

  16. A very sweet poem for your granddaughter! What a special birthday gift from you! Thanks for sharing this, Linda!

  17. Oh yes, "if this could be slowed/I would linger awhile"! What a joy to see the transformation from 3 to 14.

  18. Ingrid is lovely, as is her smile. No wonder you wanted to keep it all to yourself. Thanks for sharing.

  19. These lines capture the essence of toddlerhood, Linda: "Now you begin /learning no and then why/ and I do it"

  20. I can only say again how lovely and poignant this poem is, and the photos personalize that universal goodbye/hello that is growing up. HBD Ingrid!

  21. Thanks, again, for all your wishes and wise words. Yes, the ups and downs of that "universal goodbye/hello" are parts of our lives.

  22. "Startling pronouncements of separation" ... holding back tears! :) ❤️ Happy birthday to Ingrid! The years go so fast. xo

  23. Ah, that run-and-jump song. It goes so quickly. Happy birthday to Ingrid, who looks like she's ready to jump soon into adulthood.

  24. Oh, what a gift for your grand, Ingrid. Each age is so

  25. I love this, Linda. Happy birthday to Ingrid. I'm sure she loves reading this poem now. I have two granddaughters that are in the age range of your poem so I can really relate to each stanza.

    1. Aw, I love that you have those granddaughters, Kathy. It is special! Thanks!


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