Saturday, April 1, 2023

April - Poetry Month - Day One - Acrostic


       Happy Poetry Month, where poems parade in the streets, run like rivers within our veins or settle in our hearts every.single,time. 
       I am planning to use this older book pictured left that follows the alphabet with one kind of prompt each day. I used this book on occasion in the classroom years ago, but never worked through it day by day, with deliberation! Here goes!

Day One: A is for Acrostic

P  oems flew off the pages

O ut into our world

E  veryone celebrated 

M aking something to remember


Linda Baie © 

Free Stock photos by Vecteezy


  1. This looks like a lovely book. Your short poem perfectly captures the spirit of the month! Looking forward to reading the rest of the alphabet!

    1. I enjoyed using the book in class, Leigh Anne. Thanks for the comment! Yep! Here we go!

  2. Great beginning, Linda! Happy NPM!

    1. Thanks, Janice, beginnings are always exciting!


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