It's Poetry Friday, and Tabatha Yeasts is hosting HERE on her blog, The Opposite of Indifference. No matter what other wonderful words she posts, I know I'll love the quote at the top! Thanks for hosting, Tabatha!
created by Linda M. |
I thought I was writing to the prompt by the Poetry Sisters this last Friday in February, but alas, until I looked again, I thought they had said "love poems" and evidently did not read it all. They said "epistolary love poems". Yikes! Don't tell my former students that I didn't read "ALL" the instructions. I have no time to do more. Here is what I have this week.
In my first year of teaching first grade, I had a call from a concerned parent. Remember, no internet, etc. Just a call to ask for a conference. I tried to imagine what the issue was. Her child was a great student and doing well. Well, what she was worried about is that her son had told her he was in love with me and was going to marry me when he grew up. She had to tell him that I was already married and he was so, so sad. It did all work out and we talked, had a lovely rest of the year. I'm sure he's grown up now with a wife and family. It was a wake-up call for me that I would be asked to help with all kinds of problems as a teacher, not just teaching reading and math.
my pic |
Johnny Loved Miss Jones, His Teacher
Johnny was smitten the first day of school.
Upset, he soon learned there was a rule
that six-year-olds needed to grow up first.
He really thought his heart would burst.
Miss Jones could never be his date.
Sad Johnny had to wait and wait.
Throughout his schooling, he kept in mind
this first heartbreak, and, now resigned,
he searched and found a new love true.
To all the memories, he said “adieu”.
This time, grown up, he found a match:
she taught first grade, a perfect catch.
Linda Baie ©
I host next week's Poetry Friday. March is Denver's snowiest month, but also
welcomes spring and Daylight Savings Time! Are you wishing anything special for