
Thursday, March 14, 2024

Spring Calls, Winter Answers

        It's Poetry Friday, and Tanita David is hosting HERE on her blog, {fiction, instead of lies}, bringing us to thoughts about freedom, being "discharged and disentangled". I'm planning to post it on the wall by my desk! Thanks for the special words and for hosting, Tanita!

created by Linda M.
       I thought I had a special plan for this Poetry Friday, the one just a few days until Spring. And then, this happened! It will continue to snow until Friday morning. Then, it will be near 60 degrees by Tuesday, the spring equinox! That's Colorado!

Underneath all that white is what I planned to show; the hardy daylilies are up. I have some crocus, too, but they were about to open. I waited too long!

        I've recently discovered this book, a poem, wishing for Spring by Langston Hughes, first published in 1925. 

        Tequitia Andrews's enticing illustrations focus on the young boy on the cover, wishing and waiting for his "earth song", which Hughes writes, "It's a spring song." What more means spring than blowing dandelion seeds while making a wish?

        Here's a favorite double-spread that shows the neighborhood, living their spring, while many of us are wishing for a scene like that, right?

         And, at the end is the entire poem, a brief page about Langston Hughes, and a prompt.

An Earth Song
                  by Langston Hughes

It's an earth song,—
And I've been waiting long for an earth song. 
It's a spring song,—
And I've been waiting long for a spring song. 
    Strong as the shoots of a new plant 
    Strong as the bursting of new buds
    Strong as the coming of the first child from its mother's womb. 
It's an earth song, 
A body song, 
A spring song, 
I have been waiting long for this spring song. 

       My Own Earth Song



In April when this lion roars,

we know it’s time to open doors.

The yellow dazzles the cold away.

Children can go out to play.

No matter that we call it weed,

we love to blow and blow its seed.

                  Linda Baie ©  

Wishing everyone a lovely spring, when it finally arrives at your house!


  1. Linda, oh, yes, indeed! No matter how old and wise I am, I love to blow dandelion seeds. Thank you for this beautiful spring post. From your snow to your budding bulbs and Langston Hughes' beautiful poem. Then rounded off with your own earth song. I'm inspired to write an earth song after both of you!

    1. Aw, thanks, Denise, it will be a pleasure to read your response! A favorite memory is teaching my children about those dandelion seeds! Happy Spring!

  2. Linda, your post shows the contrast in the seasons. While we do not have the snow piles of marshamallow dreams, we do have the grayness of cloudy skies. I never read Hughes' book but the idea of earth singing hello is very appealing. Thanks for sharing the Denver weather. Your poem sings of a new season arriving so enjoy the quick change that nature offers while you check your crocus plants.

  3. “I’ve been waiting long for an Earth song.” Hughes brings his history together with spring. So much depth in his lines. I love how the dandelion comes alive in your poem. Wonderful, Linda!

  4. Thanks for the Hughes poem and the heads up about the book (new to me). I seem to remember that winter/spring in your neck of the woods can be very surprising, snow one day, warm the next. Keeps things interesting at least. :) Love your dandelion poem too ("yellow dazzles the cold away"). Happy Almost Spring!

  5. Both these poems are fabulous! Dandelions hold a special place in my heart-- they're so wonderful and tenacious. This poem is entirely true. Thanks so much for sharing.

  6. Thanks to all. I've so enjoyed Hughes words and that the poem is in a book so lovingly illustrated. I've been out dealing with the snow again, but the sun is out!

  7. How lovely to find a new Hughes poem I've not yet read! I, too, am waiting for an earth song, and I am loving seeing so many Hughes poems make their way into picture books. Here, the yellow is indeed causing me to open doors but the cold hasn't dazzled away quiiiiite yet... (I'm sitting with the windows open... and a blanket). This post is a happy one - may you enjoy the beauty of what is hopefully your ONE last snow of the season!

  8. Linda, thank you for sharing Langston Hughes' poetry. Such a perfect welcome for spring --in all its forms!

  9. Hopefully by the equinox Spring will well and truly have arrived, both in Colorado and Ohio!

  10. Thanks, Tanita, Patricia, and Mary Lee. The snow, so very wet, is going to make a huge welcome to those green sprouts and others hiding under!

  11. March can be such a tease! I hope the snow leaves quickly and allows you to find spring!

  12. Wow! I love this post. What a great mentor poem and then poem by you. I'm new to seeing Langston Hughes as a children's poet. I grew up thinking that his poems were for grown ups. But, he has playful, childlike invitations too. My aunt sent me pics from her house up in the Co. mountains. That was a whopper of a snow dump. Have you dug out yet?!

  13. Thanks, Rose and Linda! Much of the snow, at least on the trees, melted yesterday, Rose. And Linda, Denver got a lot, about 10 inches, but the mountain snow counted in feet! Hope your aunt is okay!

  14. Years ago, on a visit to Colorado in May: snow! Keeps you on your toes, I guess. I love your poem and the fun of blowing the little parachutes. Spring will persevere! Thanks!

  15. I love this, Linda! Dandelions are not weeds to all - and they are early souces of food for early spring insect pollinators. You know what they say about weeds - it's just a plant growing somewhere it's not wanted. lol. I hope your snow melts soon and you can resume your gracious appreciation of all that's spring - birds, insects, worms, daylilies, and dandelions, too!

  16. Oh I love your celebration of dandelions!!!!! I also just put the Langston Hughes book on hold.

  17. Thanks, Karen, Carol, & Marcie! I've been working at the bookstore all afternoon, busy with lots of customers & books! I know that dandelions are so important for bees especially early in the spring, some of the only blooms for their food! I don't like seeing people out digging & digging. I love the definition of 'weed', Carol, & the idea of 'parachutes', Karen, plus hope you enjoy the book, Marcie!

  18. I'm thrilled to discover this book, Linda--thank you! And your dandelion poem is pure charm.

  19. Linda, I'd normally be *so* jealous of your snowstorm! But since my book launch party was yesterday, I was thrilled there was no snow in the forecast--unlike last year, when an April 1 blizzard put a figurative and literal damper on things. I love your dandelion poem!

  20. Happy to share the book with you, Heidi, and that you did not have this storm, Laura. It was a lot but we're so glad to get the moisture!

  21. "The yellow dazzles the cold away." I feel warmer from your words. (no snow here, just endless cold dreary rainy days...)

  22. Yes to the spring song! I'm waiting for it too. We had a teaser and then it got chilly again, but we haven't had a big March snow. (Fingers crossed that we don't.) :) Love your dandelion poem too, Linda!

  23. Love Your poem and Hughes’s too, both so full of Spring!!! Tell it to hurry up and come! I think I need to write an Earth poem, maybe talk with soil and coax her along… Thanks for your lovely 🥰 post Linda!

  24. Thanks, Bridget, Karen, & Michelle. I haven't seen any dandelions yet, but it's supposed to be about 60 today, spring arrives, so maybe soon!


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