Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Thirty, For Our Future

   Happy End to Poetry Month!

        It's the finale for April! I've done my best to take the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

        As you can see above, the 26 letters of the Alphabet and the words that begin with them have been covered. I have been finding a few memories to write about, but this final day, I'm thinking of the future for all of us, considering our current world so filled with conflict! 

Bridge Stock photos by Vecteezy


Wishing bridge building

between ideas

could be as beautiful

as capturing a chasm

with steel!

Linda Baie ©  

Monday, April 29, 2024

It's Monday - Some Terrific Books!


        Visit Kellee and Ricki at UnleashingReaders and Jen at Teach Mentor Texts to see what they and others have been reading! Your TBR lists will grow! 

          Here's what happened in my reading last week! It was a busy week, so I have fewer books, but each one will be a great one for certain people. I enjoyed them all!

         From the intro to this book on Goodreads: "When Jarrett J. Krosoczka was in high school, he was part of a program that sent students to be counselors at a camp for seriously ill kids and their families. Going into, Jarrett was worried: Wouldn't it be depressing, to be around kids facing such a serious struggle? Wouldn't it be grim?" 

        Jarrett Kroscoczka turns the early worries about being chosen to be on the crew for this special summer camp week into days he will always cherish, friendships that have stayed for a lot of years, and the memory of a few kids who blessed him by being who they were, in spite of serious illness. Allowing us readers to get to know those kids and to know his counselor buddies, how the whole camp felt like someone had found the best place in the world was a wonderful experience for me, too. Just knowing that volunteers make camps like this happen for those who in need made me re-read it yesterday, to be sure I didn't miss anything. I hope you who are reading this review won't miss reading it either!

      I enjoyed Krosoczka's visuals of the night scenes, which were full of fun activities for everyone, and the expressions, mostly happy, sometimes alarmed or sad, on both the kids' and the counselor's faces. As the week continued, faces became more relaxed and happy nearly always, until the goodbyes. 

         It's 1942, this time in occupied Paris and 12-year-old Miriam lives with her parents in the quarters set aside by the Nazis for Jewish people. Her father has been arrested and they know very little. Miriam (Miri) is shy and doesn't like going to stand in line for the small bits of food available but she does. This one time, nearly home, a roundup has started, and Miri cannot make it home but is pushed onto a bus with her neighbor and her young child, Nora. Right before, very near to her home, she hears a loud noise, thinking it a shot, thinking it was her mother killed. Then, on the bus, the neighbor begs Miri to take Nora when they get off, and run! That is the beginning of the story, filled with tension and worry, filled with a 12-year-old who must be cautious, learn who to trust, adults and then, roommates in a Catholic boarding school run by nuns. It is summer, and not all the kids are there, but two are, and one seems to look at Miri with mistrust. She knows to be so careful. There is much more to this story, a nearby castle, with both history and a way to get across the River Cher to a safer area of France. Imagining such a life for a young one is not unrealistic for that time. Many children had to act, to help others and to save themselves. This Miriam learned about courage during this time, along with some helpers, and some magic, too. Kmberly Brubaker Bradley make an interesting choice in this story, one I liked reading yet in creating something about such a perilous and tragic time for those persecuted, I'm unsure if the magic doesn't make less of the true stories of those who continually fought and took life-threatening chances to save people, young and old.

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty-Nine, Finding Memories

  Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

        As you can see above, the 26 letters of the Alphabet and the words that begin with them have been covered. These final days I decided to find a few memories to write about, this time preparing for summer time!

Day 29 - Last Day Teaching
           It was both hard and easy to retire from teaching. I loved my work, but I knew it was time for other things and, like every year, time for a break! This poem is for my students at the end of every year and me, too, at the end.

Last photo of my desk!

Outta Here!


Goodbye pencils

and lined paper,

friends at recess,

game creators.

Farewell teachers, 

homework’s done.

Time to leap into our summers-

filled with fun.



Linda Baie ©  


Sunday, April 28, 2024

April - Poetry Month - Day 28 - Finding Memories

 Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

        As you can see above, the 26 letters of the Alphabet and words that begin with them have been covered. These final days I decided to find a few memories to write about, preparing for summer time!

Day 28 - Long ago when I taught first grade, a parent came walking in with her girl, my student, kind of hiding behind her mother. Today, many kids wear ball caps and now, looking back, I wish there had been one for her. Her older sister and a friend pretended to be beauticians and practiced cutting hair, on the little sister. No picture today. I'll leave it to your imagination. (It took a long time for the hair to grow out!)



Sissy loved 

playing beautician.

It took months

for my bangs 

to grow back.

Mama cried.


Linda Baie ©  

Saturday, April 27, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty-Seven, Finding Memories

  Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

        As you can see above, the 26 letters of the Alphabet and words that begin with them have been covered. These final days I decided to find a few memories to write about, preparing for summer time!

Day 27—Sometimes, when driving in the countryside, one spots a few flowers and, looking more closely, an old foundation. There can be lilacs, iris, or hydrangeas, daffodils and tulips at different times from spring to summer.


attribution: Julian P Guffogg / Countryside
with daffodils near Hill Grove



where daffodils grow –

there, stories stay

              Linda Baie ©  


Thursday, April 25, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty-Six, Z is for Zen + Poetry Friday

Happy Poetry Month!

It's Poetry Friday, too, and Ruth Bowen Hersey is hosting HERE on her blog, There is no such thing as a God-forsaken Town. This week, she shares a poem about her 'forever' home, Haiti, its struggles continuing, and the fact that she is often there in her dreams. Thanks for hosting, Ruth! 

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in various ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

     This is Day 26, the alphabet's ending, Z - I chose "zen"!



In April, chiming

a tiny rhyme

for listeners 

who take the time

to venture near

with ears to hear, 

the poetry!

It’s spring; it’s here!

           Linda Baie ©  

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty-Five, Y is for Yearning

 Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty-Four, X is for X-ray

  Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

        Day 24 - X, I chose X-ray


From a Teacher to A Student 


They reveal what is not readily seen

the inside of a body, the bones, in between,

but when I wish to see the most important part

ofttimes, it’s hiding, deep within the heart.

No x-ray has been created;

No technology today

will peel the layers back, just so

to show me what I yearn to know –

the inside-technicolor “YOU” show.  

                          Linda Baie ©



Tuesday, April 23, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty-Three, Begins with W - Wait

 Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

       It's the perfect time of year for "Wait", don't you all agree?

Waiting, waiting, 

wrapped up tight;

seeds wait

to welcome the sun, 

to savor a shower.

Called faith, 

my belief emerges

as a flower.


Linda Baie ©

Monday, April 22, 2024

Celebrating Earth Day and More - It's Monday!


Happy Earth Day!

        Visit Kellee and Ricki at UnleashingReaders and Jen at Teach Mentor Texts to see what they and others have been reading! Your TBR lists will grow! 

         It's taken me weeks to read this book, not because it was a chore, but because I've been engrossed in so many other things, including reading other books. This one, unfortunately, ended up at the bottom of my 'to-do' list. I've finally finished the tale with admiration for the underlying warmth imbued in the story by Daniel Nayeri and the beautiful illustrations by Daniel Miyares which expanded our look at the story's unusual setting, along with giving a sense of what the characters looked like.
         The story, and the characters began to feel more real to me as I read chapter by chapter. I became more intrigued with the huckster, Samir's stories, what he really was up to. I began to wonder if Monkey, the young boy who tells the story and was rescued by Samir from being stoned to death by the monks who had previously taken him in, was really telling the truth. The varied, continuing threads, like the utter loving importance of the donkey, Rostam, Monkey's philosophical thoughts, and the importance of deepening interest in other characters made me know why the Newbery Committee chose this as an honor book. Though this isn't necessarily for every middle reader, some will cherish it for a new and intriguing book adventure.

Thanks to Candlewick Press for my copy!

          I know I shared several books last week for Earth Day, and now I have a few more for you to find and love! Love, The Earth by Frances Stickley is a letter in rhyme to a baby as he grows. She includes all the things that Earth will give him during his life. "I am the Earth./ All yours to share./ The mountains and the Arctic air./the trees, the breeze, the polar bear." are some of the examples that 'older' and kind Earth gives to everyone, including this young boy. But it also asks, "and try to lend/a helping hand." As you see below, on numerous pages, among all the other beautiful illustrations, Tim Hopgood shows the Earth's face. The book and the message is worth mighty applause! I adored it! 

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty-Two, V is for Van

 Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

       It feels like serendipity that I wanted a word that begins with V for today's poem/post. I've been reading James Crews' anthology, The Path to Kindness, a few poems every evening. Friday evening, a poem appeared that touched me, and I knew, especially because it's near Mother's Day, too, that I wanted to share it instead of writing my own poem. Here is the first part, followed by a link to the entire poem. 

                 My Mother's Van

                                by Faith Shearin

Even now it idles outside the houses
where we failed to get better at piano lessons,
visits the parking lot of the ballet school
where my sister and I stood awkwardly
at the back. My mother's van was orange
with a door we slid open to reveal
beheaded plastic dragons and bunches

                                                        find the rest here


Sunday, April 21, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty-One, U is for Umbrella

 Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

       This is Day Twenty-One - U is for Umbrella

Umbrella Duty




wait for rain,

and people

to hold onto.


         Linda Baie ©

Rain Stock photos by Vecteezy

Saturday, April 20, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty, Begins with T -

 Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

     This is Day 20, a word that starts with T -  tree

          Did it snow yesterday and continue this morning just for my poem? I don't know but it really is serendipity that it happened!

Overheard on A Snowy Day


Hey, we’re growing up.

           We’ll never be as big as that cottonwood.

No, but our branches flourish.”

            Have you noticed more birds visiting?

And we’re still part of the gathering.

They help us underground, don’t you know!

             Yes, I’m grateful for all those older trees around.

             Their chatter when it’s snowing makes a pleasant day.

We caught a lot of snow this time, good for a big drink!

              I’m glad we’re together, too

              in our own cozy corner of the world.

Growing old together makes a good life.



         Linda Baie ©

Thursday, April 18, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Nineteen, Begins with S - Sunset = Poetry Friday

 Happy Poetry Month!

It's Poetry Friday, too, and Heidi Mordhorst is hosting HERE on her blog, My Juicy Little Universe. This week, she shares some special poems full of earth's wonder! Thanks for hosting, Heid. 

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

     This is Day 19, a word that starts with S - I chose Sunset!

Sewing Sunsets


crochet a day with azure sky

stitch in a cloud that’s floating by

weave green floss for grassy bed

baste the sun with golden thread

patch in clouds of lavender hue

tree shadows now are traced on cue


time to rest, nightfall hello

tomorrow stitch another show

                     Linda Baie ©


April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Eighteen, Begins with R - Rhythm

 Happy Poetry Month!  

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

It's also "Poem in your Pocket Day"!  And the letter is R! I'm reaching a little bit, perhaps, but I'm going with R is for RECITE, REMEMBER, and, RHYTHM!

What’s In Your Pocket?   


I’m waiting for the words today

you’ve pushed into your pocket.

Is the poem a favored tale,

or new words you won’t forget?


Does it speak of trees or blooms, 

something growing in the ground?

Does it keep a rhythm when 

you tap tap out the sound?


I hope you’ve memorized the lines.

Kept close these treasured works of art.

Instead of tucked in folds of cloth,

you’ll keep them tucked inside your heart.

                               Linda Baie ©

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

April - Poetry Month - Day Seventeen - Q is for Question

 Happy Poetry Month!

If you'd like the poster, go here!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

       Q is for "Question"

photo from Stocktake


What does a child know?

         At school, you line up in a row.

         A ball’s to bounce and catch and throw,

         and most things happened long ago.


What does a child know?

         Of whispers saying ‘grow, grow’,

         but yearns to learn the facts that show

         why minutes travel awful slow.

                                       Linda Baie ©

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Sixteen, Begins with P – Performance

     Happy Poetry Month!

If you'd like the poster, go here!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

     This is Day 16, a word that starts with P - I chose "Performance".  Can you imagine?

 Performance of a Showoff 


The centipede, without dismay

demands applause in a special way.

Its many legs help it refine

the one-bug musical chorus line.

Linda Baie ©