
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Poetry Friday - Busy Bees Answer Linda M.


created by Linda Mitchell

It's Poetry Friday, and Patricia Franz is hosting HERE on her blog, Reverie. She's been planting tree seedlings in a nearby national forest, and luckily for us, she recorded their message! Thanks for hosting us, Patricia!


               Dear Linda Mitchell, not only giving us a PF star, but last week she posted her wondrous poetry clunker challenge. I chose what has become the title to my poem response.  

My photo, taken in September, 2022. Busy!

            I did some research, buzzed around some sites myself, and the preparation seems fierce! Here's what I wrote, still messy but hope you understand that in Autumn, bees are BUSY! I learned a lot and had fun, too. Thanks, Linda! 

What is Autumn to the Bee?


Billy Bee says to me, 

his sidekick, Clare, 

"Tell Freddie over there,

'Beware, Autumn’s coming.”

Get out the crew!

You know what to do:

find the late flowers,

work as many hours

as you are able.

Busy buzzy bees,

no time off for you!

Work together,

that’s our label.

Assess the hive.

Is there room for all

to keep us alive

cause winter’s after fall?

Does anyone know

of a place we can grow?

Use the waggle dance, y’all.

Take the message far.

We’ll soon be inside,

waving wings, warming all,

especially our queen,

still laying the eggs

and many appear!

But first, buzz around

if there’s space to be found,

to prep a new place.

Time brings a race

before winter’s affair.

Freddie, beware!'"


Linda Baie ©


  1. Linda, I think this poem works as a reverso, too! Clunker-magic!

    1. Thanks, Patricia, with a very few tweaks, I believe you're right!

    2. I agree! If it's messy--it's supposed to bee. tee hee! What a great conversation for these bees. It reminds me of the chat in a repair shop or a place that has a crew like you mention finishing up a project to get ready for the next. Fabulous names for the bees, too. Well done!

  2. Linda, how fun! I like that you chose: "What is Autumn to the Bee?" as your clunker. I can see that you did your research. Love this:

    Busy buzzy bees,
    no time off for you!
    Work together,
    that’s our label.

    1. Thanks, Denise, I knew quite a bit and now am worried that I'm not seeing many bees here, at least yet!

  3. This is fantastic! I agree that it could be a reverso, but it also could be a picture book!

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee, it needs some tweaking but now I'll look at it differently!

  4. You captured the desperation in Billie Bee, Linda. It made me wonder if any bees beside the Queen do survive the cold. Fascinating drama and good use of a clunker line.

  5. This is delightful, and fits your photo so well. I agree with Mary Lee - picture book indeed!

  6. Clunker to hot rod! Great research as well. I had to look up waggle dance because I had never heard the term. Absolutely fascinating!

  7. Love those busy buzzy bees! Yes, a reverso! Clever and informative. Great job, Linda!

  8. Thanks, Janice, Rose, Tracey, & Jama. It makes me happy you enjoyed my poem from Linda's clunker! Bees are now busy doing spring things, but they're big workers all the year round!

  9. Linda: Great poem and the image. (Is that a spider flower/cleome?) I'm a big fan of rhyme, and you worked it so well. Love the waggle dance. Thanks for this!

    1. Thanks, Karen, I know it as a 'spider flower' but you may know the better name. I'm not sure! They aren't in my garden, could have been anywhere in the neighborhood!

  10. Linda, your poem is delightful. I think my four-year-old grand would like this little story poem. I read it back and forth and found it charming both ways. Plus, I enjoyed the title.

  11. Sounds like there's a duel message/meaning in this poem to us human, "Is there room for all/to keep us alive/cause winter’s after fall? Wonderful poem love the urgency in it, as there lives are filled with it. And the waggle dance is fascinating, thanks Linda!

  12. The frenetic movement of bees is well captured in your poem, Linda. The line length you chose adds an urgency to the poem when reading.

  13. So fun or should I say, the bee's knees! You transformed that clunker into something magical, Linda. I agree with those above, perhaps it's meant to 'bee' a picture book. :)

  14. Thanks again to you busy poets! I worked at the bookstore yesterday! There were many "busy" readers finding new books, a "buzzy" day! : ) Happy weekend to you all!

  15. Such fun rhyme. I love that you made the clunker the title. It's perfect!

  16. I love the energy here, Linda! You put that so-called clunker to busy, buzzy use! :D


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