
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Poetry Friday - A Better Choice

           It's Poetry Friday, and Heidi Mordhorst is hosting HERE on her blog My Juicy Little Universe.  Be sure to visit to learn about a new activity she introduced this week to her WHISPERshout writing workshop after-school classes, and the wonderful poem it led them to write!  Thanks for hosting, Heidi!

             I am reposting a poem I wrote and shared in December 2016 for Mary Lee's challenge, #haikuforhealing. I assume you know where we were after that election– upset, not exactly knowing what was going to happen. Now, this new election is less than two months away. Today, I am certainly hopeful, but still jittery! 

Wishing you all a special weekend ahead!


  1. Thanks for this look back, Linda! It was indeed healing to write haiku that month--to focus (for me) on the tiny blessings of an ordinary day rather than unrelentingly on the jittery unknown (we were right to shake like leaves!). "Eavesdropping" is such an excellent word!

  2. Dear Linda, wishing you a lovely, less jittery week ahead! It's ALWAYS the right time for those haiku for healing, yes? Sending love. xo

  3. Thank you, Heidi & Irene! I will keep "listening" and writing, too!

  4. I love thinking about the trees conversation! (As Heidi says, we were right to shake like leaves. It will be hard not to be jittery for a while.)

  5. Yes, a healing haiku is just the ticket. Feeling very jittery despite being hopeful.

  6. The world is sitting on the edge of its collective seat. Watching the news out the our southern neighbor, sometimes it feels it's some kind of strange TV show, and not real life. Will be keeping you all in my thoughts over the next few months!

  7. Thanks, Tabatha, Jama, & Jane. I do remain hopeful and am glad to read your positive words!

  8. Linda, the photo is a wonderful prompt for your haiku. it is timely and those trees certainly look like they are have a political conversation. I love that you resurrected right after the Presidential Debate. Hope and positivity are a great partnership!


    1. I love imagining the conversations, Carol. I live in a neighborhood filled with all kinds of older trees, each one a treasure. Thanks, and yes, I have hope!

    2. I have a house divided, Linda. For me, talking to others with the same mindset about the election is a plus.

    3. That is great! I'm glad to be a part of your 'clan'!

  9. I would rather listen to trees any day of the week.

  10. I am hopeful --and listening to the trees!

  11. I agree with both of you, Margaret & Patricia. Thank you for coming by!

  12. Thanks, Linda! I share your hopefulness along with that jittery feeling. Let's hope the trees have reason to rejoice come November.

  13. yep--trees are a much better thing to listen to!

  14. #haikuforhealing really helped me through that rough spot. Let's hope we get to flood the world with #haikuforjoy this year!

  15. Thanks, Rose, Marcie, & Mary Lee. Yes, to trees, and it will be marvelous to bring the world our #haikuforjoy, Mary Lee! Whoop!

  16. Yes, I remember that time so well, arrgh. Hopeful but jittery here too, Linda.

  17. Fingers crossed that our compatriots will keep us from needing to heal again. Those trees are friends that I would love to listen to.

  18. Thanks, Karen and Linda! Here we go into the final weeks!


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