Thursday, October 10, 2024

Poetry Friday - Gifting!

          It's Poetry Friday, and Jama Rattigan is hosting HERE on her blog Jama' Alphabet Soup. The post will fill your heart with doughnutty dreams! Voodoo Doughnuts here I come! Thanks for hosting, Jama!

         I also recommend that you find Jama's review of Blue by Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond and Daniel Minter in her post last Tuesday. It perfectly fits Jama's love of "blue," and after reading it, you'll fall in love with "blue," too! 

         So, things seem very rough in our world right now with the recent weather disasters, the politics feeling even more bombastic as we near our elections, and the horrific conflicts in numerous places on earth. I want to help and believe I do what is possible for me at this time. I am grateful that three nephews and families survived Hurricane Helene with little damage except to their roads. Most importantly, they are okay! I've been in the Florida area where Hurricane Milton has hit, and I am feeling very sad for the people and their homes and businesses I have loved and visited. Closer to home, I am sorry for my son-in-law and his extended family who had to say goodbye to his father last week. It's been a fraught and worrisome week. 
         Saturday is my birthday! I chose to share this poem/song you'll find below because I love it, and hope it gives you some peace this week. I taught gifted students for many years and taught them this song, reminding them to be grateful for all gifts, including themselves! 

Simple Gifts

'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,And when we find ourselves in the place just right,'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.When true simplicity is gain'd,To bow and to bend we will not be asham'd,To turn, turn will be our delight,Till by turning, turning we come round right.

You can find out more about it, HERE, at the site of the Shaker Museum. 

        Then, hanging out on FB recently, THIS came up! It felt like my own special gift! 

         If you would like the gift of a poetry book from the used bookstore where I volunteer, send me an email with your address. Many wonderful books are sitting on the shelves, waiting to be read and loved!

          Wishing everyone the gift of another of my favorite things, being outside!


  1. Good morning and Happy Birthday to you, Linda! Sorry I didn't manage to comment on PF last week, and I thank you for your comment on my Helene poem, which I made first using the magnets and then realized I could fashion into the Pythagorean form. It was a handy shortcut on a hard form. I love the Simple Gifts melody and message--especially the Aaron Copland version. Let us keep one eye on the simple gifts and the other on the big bad world, and try not to go blind!

  2. Happy birthday, Linda! You are a gift to all of us :) Your selection this week is just right. There are plenty of things to bring us down, but there's also simple gifts, like singing, nature, and poetry, to lift us up.

  3. Linda, another birthday comes your way. I am grateful for your friendship and writing throughout these words. Your gift of life, truth, and hope is appreciated. This thought from one of the articles I read is one to go back to throughout the day. "Keep your life focused, by not allowing extraneous and unnecessary forces distract you." May your weekend birthday be filled with simplicity and love from your family.

  4. Agree with Tabatha. You are a special gift to us all. Love the song (I'm a big Yo-Yo Ma fan too). Glad your family members survived Helene, but sorry to hear about your SIL's dad. It's become more of a challenge to think positively in view of natural catastrophes, war and fighting, the bombastics/lies of the election. Stressful times for all. I'm grateful for the PF community for the simple gifts each week of poems shared, a blessed respite! Happy Birthday, Linda, hope you have the best day celebrating with loved ones. Eat some cake for me. :)

    1. Meant to add, thanks for the shout out about my BLUE book review. More blues coming to Alphabet Soup . . . :)

  5. Linda, happy birthday! It is funny that you shared “Simple Gifts” it was one of the first songs my kids’ piano teacher taught them. I can’t read the words without imagining tiny fingers plucking out the correspondingly simple notes. It is a happy memory in these complex times. Thank you! : )

  6. Hello October birthday gal! I hope it's tasty & full of outdoors pleasures.
    Of course we have a certain Florida connection BUT I didn't realize the extent of your family living down this way. So so sorry they had to cope with H. Helene & glad that Milton wasn't as rough on them.
    I've heard back in relief from points on both coasts but also waiting for several "all's well" from dear folks.
    When I reached the song, I sang it just now, out loud.
    How could you know that this was one of my favorites of our gathering when before Covid isolationI met weekly with a Sisters Singing Circle at the home of a very talented & accomplished singer/musicians, with her deft touch at the piano. To be reminded of this, this way, at this moment in time for all the challenging reasons you mention, is a gift tome. xo

  7. Happy Birthday, Linda! There is the simplest joy in "coming down right" -- such a good attitude to live in. How is it that our hearts can be both sorrowed and grateful? It's why I'm journeying with my OLW word: AND. Hoping, too, that those impacted by these hurricanes might find light and simplest of thanks as they move forward.

    PS. When we didn't get to ride in Asheville last week, we pivoted and spent the week in Boulder/RMNP. I hope I get to live there someday!

  8. So sorry about your son-in-law's father. I love "Simple Gifts" and love Yo-yo Ma too. Love that little birthday gift for you! Happy birthday to someone who is dear and special. Thanks, Linda.

  9. Happy birthday, Linda. The notion of simple gifts conjures up one of life's pleasurable moments, so I join you in celebrating and appreciating their siginficance.

  10. Thanks to all for the wishes! It was a busy day yesterday at the bookstore, so now time to visit the rest of you! Happy Saturday!

  11. Happy birthday. I really love the song, "Simple Gifts". One of my very favorites! How generous to be sending poetry books to people.

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY beautiful poet, Linda B. I share your feelings of frustration and sadness AND gratitude all at the same time. It's a bit intense, isn't it? Thank you for these lyrics. They are solidly right and centering just like they were so long ago. I am humming right now.


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