
Monday, February 24, 2025

It's Monday! Find These Books!


    Visit Kellee and Ricki at UnleashingReaders and Jen at Teach Mentor Texts to see what they and others have been reading! Your TBR lists will grow!    

Thanks to Candlewick Press
for my copy!
        A novel in verse, a journey for young Theo who happens to love poetry, discovers that his journey to find the father he only met as a baby parallels another's quest, that of Theseus' own challenges, finally meeting the Minotaur in the Labyrinth. Each part shows Theo's challenges and, like life itself, gives some choices within the novel's story. Will you do this and turn to page ? or that, on page ?.  The emotional impact of a boy's poignant wish will make readers rush along with him, experiencing the hardship of a scam artist who claims he can find anyone and the journey that feels so lonely for Theo. We will all root for Theo (and for Theseus)! Kate Milner adds emotional illustrations along the journey.
           Thanks to Candlewick Press for this copy!

      This is a story by Ji-li Jiang of how the Chinese written language developed. Through beginning to observe the world, Chinese people began to create thousands of characters derived from the image! Can you imagine the learning that had to occur in order to be a great Chinese calligrapher? 
       Young Xian wanted so much to become an accomplished calligrapher like his father. He practiced hard, then went to his father to say it was slow and boring. His father told him of the eighteen vats of water that were waiting long ago for another who was practicing. He said that is where the brushes are cleaned, that when all eighteen vats were full of inky water (years!), the person could only then say he was great! 
       There is intriguing information from both the author and illustrator at the back, showing different styles and that there are ways to judge the accomplishment of a calligrapher. For example, one looks at the beauty of the stroke, the beauty of the structure, and finally, the beauty of the spirit. Illustrator Nadia Hsieh tells of her research for her work, finding the clothing that was worn, the kind of brush, and the way of holding it. Clearly, we can begin to learn the complicated art that lies within a master's stroke. It's an interesting and illuminating book for all!

         For everyone to learn much more about our Solar System, this amazing book, through poetry, teaches about the planets. There are fifteen poems, beginning with "Our Family", a poem about the Solar System. First, the text explains why a planet is a poem. Included is a poem about Mars, "Our Sister Planet", a villanelle for Venus, each one a gem. The bonus is that with each poem comes a pullout, double-page of added explanations of that specific one. At the end, there is a call to write one's own poem, a source page, and a gorgeous double-spread of the solar system itself. Amanda West Lewis has created an accessible planetary study through poetry and text, illuminated by Oliver Averill's illustrations. It's a spectacular new book that will challenge everyone to reach for the stars! 

This year's Caldecott winner!

With Cherokee words sprinkled throughout the book, Andrea L. Rogers tells a family story many will see as familiar. If a family with an older sibling is trying to get along with a way younger one, like Chooch, this is their story! It's a loving Cherokee family story where dear young, just-turned-two Chooch wants to do everything. See that cover! Older sister Sissy doesn't like it that no matter what he does, her parents continue to say he's simply "helping", even when he's messing something up. The last straw, after a number of other events, Chooch tries to help Sissy make a pinch pot, and she yells, "Hesdi!" (Quit it!) It isn't a happy scene, but I imagine others will see it as a familiar clash and a problem that must be solved. And they do it with love, all together. When you read, you'll see why the Caldecott win as you view the gorgeous collaged pages by Rebecca Lee Kunz. In her note, she shares the various tribal elements she has woven in her art. 
     There is both an artist's and an author's note at the back. Both are citizens of the Cherokee Nation. Also added are pages of "How to make a pinch pot." a glossary and pronunciation guide!
          Here's another example, the opening pages: 

Now reading! Puppet by David Almond and Devil in the Grove by Gilbert King, about Thurgood Marshall. 


  1. I requested The Boy Lost in the Maze from the public library, because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere. Our 7th grade studies Greek mythology, so it will be an interesting read.

    1. Yes, I imagine they will enjoy the story, comparing that story to today's challenges. Thanks, Karen!

  2. I remember reading about Chooch Helped a while ago and thinking what a great book it would have been for my eldest granddaughter who had a hard time dealing with the cuteness of her little sister.

    1. Yes, it happened in my family, too. A dear cousin had the unfortunate happening of twins born after, who took all the attention after they arrived. It is a lovely, perhaps needed, story! Thanks, Cheriee!


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