
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Poetry Friday - Love Is In The Air

              Welcome! It's Poetry Friday, and I am happy to host you all this Friday, February 14th. Valentine's Day! However you celebrate, or not, I hope you hold some love for someone or something! 

        These thoughts began as I watched the Grammys this year. Aside from a few artists, I knew practically no one, and realized I have not kept up. My granddaughters tell me about songs now and then and the artists they love. I even listen to them, but I don't remember. I realize that I am so, so behind! I sat with them to watch the Super Bowl halftime show with Kendrick Lamar, and I did know about all the politics about him and Drake, and I enjoyed watching the dancers and what I perceived to be a message (maybe?), but still, I am behind!
       My husband was a crazy music buff. He directed musicals in college and eventually was the manager of a rock radio station in Kansas City, Missouri before we moved to Colorado. Because of him, I knew all the big stars and their songs, too; and all the years since, he's kept me informed because even in Colorado he kept up. We saw a few concerts with wonderful stars here, too. 

        Here's a gift he gave me one Valentine's Day, a very old song! If you'd like, you can listen to it HERE on YouTube! I imagine Linda Mitchell will love it, too!

      So I decided that since Love is in the Air today, I would write a poem from my playlist, songs I loved years ago, and still do. What titles would you use for your own playlist poem?  FYI - the title is a song by Billie Eilish, a recent title! (Trying to catch up!)

                 Everything I Wanted


I left My Heart In San Francisco, however,

When a certain someone said he would Love Me Tender

I had to love him back because I could Imagine

How he would Stand By Me, giving Respect that wasn’t

only Blowin’ In The Wind

Some days, there were Sounds of Silence for me, 

Brown Eyed Girl, also Fire and Rain

yet we usually shouted Hallelujah to each other– You’ve Got A Friend

         When we were Leaving On A Jet Plane

Somewhere Over The Rainbow, we caught a Rocky Mountain High,

where lots of Baby Love happened.

Of course, that was Yesterday, and now 

I Try to Remember!

Linda Baie © 

FYI - I will be training a new volunteer Saturday morning so won't be able to read and respond to everyone, but I'll get to you later! 

Happy Valentine's Day!

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  1. Oh Linda, I love your poem! My husband plays a guessing game with me that I ALWAYS lose. In the car, he asks, "who's the artist of this song?" I rarely, rarely know. I can sing it, but no idea who the artist is. LOL Thank you for hosting today!

    1. Well, I know now that we speak the same language, Marcie. Fun to know! Thanks!

  2. Oh, I love this, Linda, and love learning more about your beautiful marriage. I'm sure Valentine's Day is bittersweet, and yet you always find and share the joy... thank you. Great song titles!!
    And, as Marcie mentioned, my hubby and I play this game in the car, too - except I'm always asking HIM (offering ridiculous bets that never come to pass), and it's a fairly rare occurrence that he gets the song right. Maybe I should go up against Marcie's hubby - ha! Well, depending on the decade. I'm good on the classic rock of the 70s & 80s & some 90s - and I knew a fair bit of the Grammys folks this year, but not all!
    Happy Hearts Day to you!

  3. I love the song you shared, Linda. I have a feeling many "Lindas" were named that because of it. I also love your playlist poem. I knew most of the songs! I'm a big song buff and love the oldies, but now I listen to mostly country music. Like your granddaughters, mine also tries to catch me up, but I don't keep up with pop songs much anymore. Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Oops! I am the anonymous commenter above. : )

  5. Thanks, Robyn & Linda, I think this is going to be fun hearing how everyone plays the "who is this?" game, & Linda, welcome! I'm so happy you dropped in & to hear "your" song!

  6. The clever weaving of song titles into your poem creates a connection to my personal music history. Thanks for the lovely and somewhat nostalgic memories, Linda.

    1. You're welcome, Alan! Glad to have those connections! I realize some may be here for a very long time!

  7. Love this post -- great hearing the song "Linda" again (how wonderful that Arvie gave you that record!). I'm the same as you -- haven't kept up with today's music for the most part (much of it doesn't resonate with me; it feels over-produced compared to past times of singer-songwriters/classic rock). Always enjoy hearing stories about your meeting famous musicians because of Arvie's work. Your poem is wonderful too -- we like the same songs! Had almost forgotten about "Try to Remember" (brings tears to my eyes these days). Thanks for hosting this week and spreading the love. Happy Valentine's Day!!!

    1. Thinking about "The Fantasticks' really took me back to some sweet memories, Jama. I hear you! Thanks!

  8. Hi Linda! Happy Valentine's Day! I am behind also. Wa-a-a-y behind. But... oh well. I do remember almost all of the songs in your poem. It is a great idea, writing a poem like that. Thanks for sharing it, and for hosting. You are the best! Here is my link:

    1. Thanks, Karen, it is great to look back, take a rest from "today".

  9. A fun poem, Linda - looks like we both were trying to "find" poetry this week!

  10. I love your poem! I know all the songs in it, and those titles woven together make me smile. I listened to "Linda," which I don't know, but I love those big band sounds. What a thoughtful gift from your husband. Thank you for hosting Poetry Friday!

    1. Thanks, Karin, as I remember, the record was a big surprise. I love the 'big band sounds', too, thinking of my parents dancing!

  11. As someone always working on a playlist, I really enjoyed your poem, Linda! Happy V Day, and thank you for rounding us up today.

    1. How great to know that, Susan. Maybe a poem from you sometime? Thanks!

  12. So nice to have your "own" song! People would sing me the Tab Cola commercial, but I didn't especially enjoy that, haha! My dad was a dj when he was a teenager and the radio station let him keep some of the records. A fun job! Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for rounding us up!

    1. You're welcome! Oh, I am sure they grabbed that jingle, Tabatha. No matter what it is, people figure out something to connect! Love that about your dad!

  13. Linda, I can definitely relate to this post! I have had many similar experiences regarding music of late. How fun it was to listen to the recording of "Linda" and to read your creative poem - great choices of songs! : )

  14. I was feeling musically -inspired this week, too! I can absolutely relate - I have no idea who all the hot young musical acts are these days, as perhaps evidenced by the fact that I quoted a song made famous by Nat King Cole in my post...🤣

  15. Linda, thank your for hosting with Love In the Air. I love the creativity you used to recall a beautiful memory with music and poetry. May your day at the bookstore bring you happiness and customers to send love to.

  16. Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for all the love in this post. What a great poem from song lyrics. Each line take me back to a moment in my life too. I LOVE it.

  17. Thanks for hosting and for the musical trip down memory lane, Linda. Yep, we play "Who's this" all the time, but I rarely win. My husband started the kids off when they were little and everyone was The Beatles to my daughter. Both kids now love classic rock, and my son works in the music business. I love how you incorporated so many titles into your poem. Nicely done!

  18. Linda, I love your efforts to "keep up" with the grandgirls' music! I am married to a human jukebox whose keys get stuck on Yacht Rock fairly often, which isn't a bad thing! I am also a Spotify user, and I love learning about "new" music there. Thanks for hosting! xo

  19. Linda, Thanks for hosting! I just tried to write a comment on your post from last week - I guess I need to try and "catch up" after being in vacation mode. I love music but have a lot of catching up to do there too. Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. I'm with you on being behind the times on music. My grandchildren are still too young to catch me up, but my students try. They think I'm hopeless. But when I played Vivaldi for them last week, their creativity soared. There is still space in this world for classical music.
    Your poem is such a fun mash up of old songs. I think I knew all of them. Thanks for hosting!

  21. We remember music we grew up with and fell in love to. All the titles in your poem are songs I know all the words to, like valentine messages.

  22. Many of you are up way before me, but I thank you for the sweet comments & love that you also are trying to keep up with new music!

  23. I'm with you, Linda, on not knowing the new songs/artists. But I'm in my I DON'T CARE era and I love what I love. Full Stop. Thank goodness for Spotify, so that I can make a sing-along playlist that has Glenn Miller, Johnny Cash, Dan Fogelberg, John Denver, Joni Mitchell...

    I love your poem, and could probably sing along to almost all of those tunes, too!

  24. Linda, thank you for hosting today. I enjoyed listening to the Linda song. So cute that you still own that old record. I enjoyed your playlist poem! Sweet love story! I would have some of the same songs on mine.

  25. Thanks, Mary Lee & Denise! I've been out & about, seeing some grumbling people today. That's a new thing & I hope they'll find some love! I won't do much to learn new songs, Mary Lee, but I think I was just surprised at how little I knew this time. It's fun that so many of you love the songs I included!

  26. Hi Linda, what a terrific song, post, and poem, thanks for all the smiles 😊 and tunes that keep on going! Happy Valentine's Day! 🩷 And thanks for hosting!

    1. Thank you, Michelle, happy to see you here! Hope you had a loving day, too!

  27. Nice to visit your blog, Linda. Thanks for hosting. I was fascinated to see how you wove the titles into a poem. It really opened up my mind to where I can find words to create poems. Each title brought back a memory. Bravo!

    1. Words, phrases are everywhere, I agree! Thanks, Cathy!

  28. What a lovely post, Linda. I didn't know about your husband's music-related career and history. Randy's my link to new music, and I still barely keep up with anything. I also didn't know a dang thing (and really, could not care less--keeping up is impossible!) about the politics and disagreements between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. Though it was fun reading for 15 minutes the next day. Art as protest and personal expression, for sure! I love your modified cento. Randy made me many mix tapes back in the day, and it would be fun to write a cento-ish poem based on some of "our" songs. On Valentine's night, we went to a concert that was 16 (!) great musicians covering the music of the Bee Gees and Barry Gibb (didn't know he wrote songs like "Islands in the Stream," "Grease," "Emotion," and so many others!). Seeing live music is one of Randy's favorite things. Thanks for the connections and memories, Linda. <3

    1. Your Valentine's night concert sounds wonderful, Laura! I love hearing about Randy & what you might write! Thank you!

  29. Wonderful, lifting-me-up post, Linda. I'm so tickled with the link to the LINDA song. I'm going to share it with two Lindas I know who will LOVE it. And appreciations for sharing your musical title tribute to your life with your creative, talented Rock Radio hubby. This is one of my favorite posts to read in a long time.
    [I posted, but didn't link, as I've been busy wrangling my. hubby's sudden health issues that brought us one out-patient surgery last week & a foloup this upcoming week.]

    1. Oh, Jan, I hope all will be well with your husband. What fun to share with your "Linda" friends - Love that! Wishing you good things this week! Thanks!

  30. What a beautiful and fun post, Linda! I enjoyed listening to "Linda" and loved your song title poem. Happy belated Valentine's day!


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